The novel solitary electromagnetic wave (SEMW) theory and the novel design methodologies of the switching mode power supply\ncircuit (SMPC) are presented.The SEMW theory was developed as a basic theory of the design of all kinds of the switching mode\ncircuit including SMPCby fusing the physics of semiconductor, nonlinear undulation, and electromagnetic wave.When the SEMW\ntheory is used, the electromagnetic analysis of SMPC becomes possible by using only the real parameters based on the physics. The\ntechnologies of the low impedance lossy line (LILL) which is used to the DC line and the matched impedance lossy line (MILL)\nwhich is used to the switching line are also presented.They are effective for suppressing the electromagnetic interference. SMPC\ncan be reconfigured to the quasistationary state closed circuit (QSCC) by applying LILL and MILL in accordance with the SEMW\ntheory. No electromagnetic interference exist in QSCC. The buck converter which is one of the most popular DC-DC converters\nis presented as an example of the method for being reconfigured to QSCC. The conventional design tools which includes SPICE\nbased on the AC circuit theory will be effective for the design and analysis of the inside circuit of QSCC.